Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interactive Design v1.4 - Advertising

Advertising in interactive design has some surprising parrells to that of advertising in printed media, there both trying to sell something a service, product or a person and push the branding for with the intending result of the advertising being a that of a financial gain for the client. The only difference is that advertising through interactive media has movement whilst the graphic design is limited to being static.

So maybe your wondering
so what exactly does an interactive designer produce for advertising, well the most common item is a flash banner you'll find these on nearly every web site you go on these are fantastic for getting the word out about specific products/services and often contain alot of movement so that they catch your eye, then you have the GUI which i covered in a earlier post these are usually produced for clients with big pockets and are wanting to make a large impact, the advantages of these compared to the banner is that you can design a GUI to contain alot richer content and lastly the most common one you may see is flash based movie now these differ from banners as these have a larger space to work in and are used in a centralized way unlike a banner which is hidden away, they are all movement based and are on a constant loop.

So as you can see from my brief listing of the most common interactive based advertisements, there is a large scale of options depending on the budget of the client. Overall advertising is the main business you will find in the interactive media there not usually the biggest jobs but they offer a challenge to push we as creatives to fill a space and sell a product on the worlds busiest exchange the Internet and personally that is the biggest challenge of all.


Interaction Design. (2008). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from

Interaction Design Blog. (2009). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from

Tidwell, J. (2005). Designing Interfaces. California, United States Of America, O'Rielly.

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