Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Magazine Publishing - IDN

Whats Idn you say, well Idn is short for international Designers Network its a magazine which showcases the best Design work from around the world. It covers all the major genres of design from graphic design,Interactive, gaming, animation and web design. Idn's articles serve as a final show case for what ever is been focused on. So why did I chose Idn to focus on besides obvious reason well its the totally unique way it is produced every page is change altering just like a creatives mind brainstorming away, the feel alters with the ever changing stock i can remember an issue which covered magazine editorial where I counted 16 different types of paper used in one magazine. to me this magazine is eye candy for a designer a great source of inspiration I always have 2-3 copies on my desk just to flick through to inspire a knew train of thinking.

As you can tell by what Ive said earlier that
Idn is aimed at a very niche market and that market is us the creatives, there not trying to attract joe blog of the street, its meant for us the creatives from the covers all of which are dedicated to the specific them of the issue. With every page you flick though you'll notice large to subtle changes in the layout of type and images it can be a little intimidating at first but once you get used to the every changing layouts it starts to become like an amusement ride. The one great thing about Idn and its layout is that there all a combination of different styles and techniques and it all seems cohesive.

Overall I highly suggest to anyone who is involved or interested in getting into the creative industry to read and dissect
Idn its a great place to learn be entertained and immerse in the world of design.


IdN v17n2: Retro Graphics, (2010). Retrieved May 29, 2010, from


  1. Why don't they have this magazine at the library? I want to look at it. I agree when I read a design magazine the layout and images have to draw me in before I read the article.

  2. :) I have no idea why they dont have this at the library it seems strange considering the large amounts of Computer arts they have. U can pick up idn form borders on whitcolls in the city though for $20
